NoPhoto is Paratissima 13 project dedicated to photography.
The title, sort of a shocking paradox, evokes the necessity of a break point and the intention of abandoning the institutional art containers, dedicated also to photography. In a world where photography is the main way to communicate and encode/decode reality, violating the rules, breaking the limits imposed such as the prohibition to take photos, reviewing the logics between the photographic image and the observer, have become necessary conditions for everyday life.
Simply “No Photo”, a true celebration of a new and more effective code to relate to the world. For the 2017 edition, the theme that will guide all exhibiting projects is the relationship between the individual and the society, as well as the way the individual is claiming back his own identity or surrenders to the social homogenisation. “Dis/appearing”, as social tension related to the dispersion of individuality and its reaffirmation.
NoPhoto is curated by Daniele Ratti and Laura Tota
For More Info & Contacts
Laura Tota | Daniele Ratti