Charmed by the immeasurable vastness of the universe, mankind has speculated for centuries on the presence of other habitable planets and on the existence of various forms of alien life.

Since the dawn of time, all civilizations have utilised the heavens as a map, a timetable and as the origin of myths and legends, making astronomy the most ancient of sciences.
However, it was only at the end of the nineteenth century that fantasies about space travel emerged, thanks to the first science fiction novels.
The period between the end of the 1930s and the end of the 1950s would come to be considered the ‘Golden Age’ of science fiction which, through comic books and magazines and later radio and television, would have a vast reach and influence over the general public.
In the midst of the Cold War, the rapid achievements made by the Soviets and Americans during the ‘Space Race‘ marked the beginning of a new era, converting dreams into reality and making the idea of venturing among the galaxies more likely.
In little more than a decade, significant milestones in space exploration would be achieved.

The elements that allow for the formation of life are spread throughout the universe via the combustion of stars, making mankind, both metaphorically and literally, nothing more than star dust. The hypothesis that other inhabited worlds exist, or have existed, thus becomes ever more plausible, making us feel like a Pale Blue Dot in deep space, an infinitesimal part of a cosmos in constant motion.

Exhibiting artists include:
Giovanni Albanese, Mauro Benetti, Daniel D’acquisto, Enrico De Paris, Raffaele Fiorella, Dario Garcia, Michael Najjar, Leonardo Orazi, Mario Pandiani, Holy, Karel Thole, Luisa Valentini and Gilberto Zorio.

Thanks to the collaboration with Club To Club, the exhibition soundtrack was provided by students of the Sound Design course offered by IED Visual Communication, Milan. The soundtrack was made possible thanks to the technical support of Red Bull.


Michael Najjar, Sands of Mars, Courtesy Studio la Città – Verona

Luisa Valentini, Astronave Star Treck

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